How randomness shapes biodiversity


主讲人:Professor Sebastian Schreiber,University of California, Davis




主讲人介绍:Sebastian  Schreiber是美国加州大学戴维斯分校(UC-Davis)生命科学学院的教授,著名的理论生态学家和应用数学家,主要研究生态学和进化论,擅长建立数学模型去解决生态系统和物种进化的重要问题。他现任多个专业和交叉领域杂志,诸如  Ecology/Ecological Monographs,Journal of Mathematical Biology, Theoretical  Ecology, and Theoretical Population Biology等的编委。

内容介绍:All organisms, whether they be plants, animals, or viruses, live in environments  that vary over their lifetime. This variation involves regular and irregular  (random) fluctuations in temperature, precipitation, and nutrient availability.  These fluctuations can influence whether or not populations go extinct, whether  or not evolution selects for diversity within a species, and whether or not  competing species are able to coexist. In this talk, I will discuss how ideas  due to David Bernoulli about economics in the 1700s contribute to our  understanding of these surprisingly, subtle effects of randomness on  biodiversity.