Moduli Space of Coherent Sheaves on Root Stacks


主讲人:孙浩  华南理工大学




主讲人介绍:2018年在University of Iliinois at Urbana  Champaign获得博士学位。2020.9-至今,在华南理工大学工作。研究方向主要是algebraic  geometry,也涉及到combinatorics和representation theory的相关内容,主要考虑与Higgs bundle, moduli  space, Hurwitz number等相关的问题。

内容介绍:In this talk, I will discuss the construction of the moduli space of coherent  sheaves on root stacks in two ways. The first approach is based on a  correspondence between parabolic bundles and bundles on root stacks. The second  approach is based on the work of Olsson and Starr, and the construction of the  moduli space depends on a choice of generating sheaves. I will always take root  stacks (or orbifolds) as the example to explain the idea behind the  construction. The second construction can be generalized to Deligne-Mumford  stacks.