Spatial intra-tumor heterogeneity in lung adenocarcinoma


主讲人:吴华君  北京大学研究员




内容介绍:Intra-tumor heterogeneity (ITH) of human tumors is increasingly recognized as  being important for tumor progression, treatment response, and drug resistance.  However, the spatial distribution of ITH remains incompletely understood, as  prior technologies have not allowed for simultaneous measurements of molecular  and spatial features of tumor samples in a high-throughput manner. Here, we  present spatial analysis of ITH in lung adenocarcinomas from 147 patients by  using multi-region mass spectrometry, single cell copy number sequencing and  cyclic immunofluorescence. By profiling thousands of regions/single cells we  identified two distinct spatial patterns, termed clustered and random geographic  diversification (GD). These patterns were observed in similar positions using  both proteomic and genomic data. The random proteomic GD pattern, which is  characterized by decreased cell adhesion and increased immune activity, was  significantly associated with increased risk of recurrence or death in two  independent patient cohorts. We also elucidated the effects of the tumor-immune  environment and key genetic alterations on different GD patterns. This study  presents comprehensive spatial mapping of ITH in lung adenocarcinoma and  provides unexpected insight into the clinical consequences of geographic  diversification of intratumor heterogeneity.